Prana is our life force or our energy source. Vayus literally means "winds". The Prana
Vayus are the five movements of subtle energy that support the systems of the physical body. When these flows are in sync, we experience a healthy mind, body and spirit.
Prana Vayu | Current | Color | Area | Function |
Apana Vayu | Downward | Red | Naval to pelvis | Elimination |
Prana Vayu | Upward | Green | Naval to chest | Inhalation |
Samana Vayu | Outward | Yellow | Solar Plexus | Digestion |
Udana Vayu | Upward | Blue | Neck to head | Senses, endocrine, central nervous system |
Vyana Vayu | Inward | Purple | Entire body | Circulation of blood, lymph, and nerve impulses |
Joseph and Lillian LePage. Yoga Toolbox for Teachers and Students. Integrative Yoga Therapy 2015